Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I am usually a glass is half empty kind of person. So in following the trend to be a bit more positive, I'm going to do "what I love" Wednesdays. So here we go...

The Holidays.
Ahh, this time of year always gets me thinking of all the things good in the world. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, a week from tomorrow, and Christmas is just shortly after that. This time of year everyone, generally, has a chipper attitude towards life and we remember the act of giving and giving thanks. I'm not sure about everyone else, but at my Thanksgiving dinner, we all go around the table and say at least one thing that we are thankful for. This simple little gesture is something that shouldn't just be held once a year, but everyday, all day long. So I just hope, during this holiday season, everyone can do at least one thoughtful, selfless gesture for someone less fortunate. The decorations, the smells of turkey and pumpkin cooking, the lights, the music, everything that the holidays entail is just uplifting and amazing. Another year coming to a close. The thoughts and flashbacks from the memories and imprints left from the passing of another year. So I hope everyone can join in and give thanks this next week, and remember those who you love and who love you.